
Day 1May 8th

09h00 / 09h30 – Participants registration

09h30 / 10h00 – Opening session with:

Professor João Menezes de Sequeira
Head of the Architectural Department DARQ and Director of the Research Centre LabART
Professor Murray Fraser
Representative of the Architectural Research in Europe Network Association ARENA
Professor Dalila Rodrigues
Administrator of the Centro Cultural de Belém.
Professor João Santa-Rita
President of the Portuguese Board of Architects

Theme I
Keynote speaker

10h00 / 11h00 – Knowledge

Professor Jonathan Michael Hill
Bartlett School of Architecture at University College of London UCL

11h00 / 11h30 – Break (*)

Presentation sessions

11h30 / 11h55 – Material experimentation in Peter Zumthor’s creative process: Research design through material inquiry

Susana Ventura, PhD
CEAU-FAUP, Centro de Estudos de Arquitectura e Urbanismo da Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto

12h00 / 12h25 – Designing the urban: Reflections on the role of theory in the individual design process

Lucy Montague, PhD
Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, School of Planning, University College London

12h30 / 12h55 – Research by Design – situating practice-based research as part of a tradition of knowledge production, exemplified through the works of le Corbusier.

Jørgen Hauberg, PhD
Head of Institute of Design and Communication at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture

13h00 / 13h25 – For from design and through design and for design are all things

Marta Sequeira, PhD

13h30 / 13h50 – Discussion

14h00 / 15h00 – Break for Lunch (*)

Theme II
Keynote speaker

15h00 /16h00 – Methods

Professor Richard Blythe
Dean of the School of Architecture and Design at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University RMIT

16h00 / 16h30 – Break (*)

Presentation sessions

16h30 / 16h55 – Research by Design

Dieter Geissbühler
Professor, Responsible Focus Material Master in Architecture and Head of the Research Group Material Structure Energy in Architecture, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

17h00 / 17h25 – Reverse Design

Uli Matthias Herres, PhD candidate
Lucerne School of Applied Sciences and Arts and the ETH Zurich.

17h30 / 17h55 – Manipulations in the Abstract Space

Holger Schurk, PhD candidate
School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

18h00 / 18h25 – Poiesis or Semiosis in Architectural Design Practice

Sven Verbruggen, PhD
Antwerp University and University of Ghent

18h30 / 19h00 – Discussion

19h00 – Closing session

Day 2May 9th

Theme III
Keynote speaker

10h00 / 11h00 – Communication and notation

ProfessorSue-Anne Ware Faila
Landscape Architecture Program at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University RMIT

11h00 / 11h30 – Break (*)

Presentation sessions

11h30 / 11h55 – Considering the diagram as design research

Anthony Burke, Professor
School of Architecture, Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building, University of Technology, Sydney

12h00 / 12h25 – The Project as a Key for Understanding, a Pretext for Action, a Synthesis of Knowledge

Marta Mateus Frazão, PhD Candidate
CHAIA – Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística, Évora University.

12h30 / 12h55 – From the interpretation of the place to the Project: A proposal for the rupestrial complex of Vale do Tejo

Mário Monteiro Benjamim, PhD Candidate
CHAIA – Centro de História da Arte e Investigação Artística, Évora University

13h00 / 13h25 – Outside the Category

Jacob Sebastian Bang
Assistant Professor of Design and Communication at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture

14h00 / 15h00 – Break for Lunch (*)

Theme IV
Keynote speaker

15h00 / 16h00 – Evaluation and assessment

Professor Fredrik Nilsson
Head of Department of Architecture, Chalmers University of Technology

16h00 / 16h30 – Break (*)

Presentation sessions

16h30 / 16h55 – ‘TransReal’ Topographies_Manifesting the ‘Unconscious’.

Diony Kypraiou, PhD candidate
Bartlett School of Architecture at University College of London UCL

17h00 / 17h25 – Competitions serve a larger purpose in architectural knowledge

Pedro Guilherme, PhD Candidate
CHAIA (Centre for Art History and Artistic Research), Universidade de Évora, Portugal

17.30 / 17.55 – Learning from Actor Network Theory – Bridging the gap between research in science and research by design

Simon Bradbury, PhD
School of Architecture Design and the Environment, Plymouth University

18.00 / 18.25 – The Experience of a Pioneer Research Program in Architecture in Évora

Sofia Salema, PhD
Head of Architecture Department at University of Évora

18.30 / 18.55 – Discussion

19.00 – Closing session with the Scientific Committee

Professor Flora Samuel
School of Architecture / University of Sheffield
Professor João M. B. Menezes de Sequeira
Head of Architectural Department ECATI / Lusófona University
Professor Johan De Walsche
Faculty of Design Sciences / University of Antwerp
Professor Johan Verbeke (unable to come)
Aarhus School of Architecture and from the Faculty of Architecture Sint-Lucas
Professor Murray Fraser
Dean of Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment / UCL

(*) Lunch and coffee breaks can be taken in any of the bar, restaurants of CCB (it’s not included in the fee).

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